PPE1 2024

Student Information Document - updated 18.10.24

Exam Results Day 2024

Thursday 22 August 2024

GCSE Results 2021

GCSE Results 2022 

GCSE Results 2023 

Please see the links below for the Department for Education Performance Table, our Exams Policies and other helpful information, regarding public exams.

Department for Education Performance Table

Candidate Information

More comprehensive information on our exam performance is published by the DfE and can be found here.

Exam Boards


If you require any further advice on any aspect of the school’s exams process, please do not hesitate to contact the Examinations officer Miss A Yaseen via email (adeeba.yaseen@stpauls.greenwich.sch.uk)

Exam documents

Post Results remark request 2023

Appeals against internal assessment of coursework and enquiries about results

Vocational Qualifications

At St Paul’s Academy we offer vocational qualifications alongside GCSEs.

Vocational qualifications offer a mix of practical and theoretical learning that is directly related to a specific area of employment.

These work-related courses can be a good option if you have a job sector in mind or if you would like to gain employability skills linked to a particular type of work.

The courses that we currently offer at St Paul’s include:

  • Sport
  • Creative Media Production
  • Construction & the Built Environment
  • Hospitality and Catering
  • Digital Information Technology
  • Health & Social Care


If you would like further information about a specific vocational course, please click on the links below:

BTEC Tech Awards:


Hospitality & Catering:
